Saturday, June 28, 2008

gay films.

I can't really say why I like "gay" themed films. I mean, besides the fact that I am so painfully transgendered, I really shouldn't be able to identify with many of the themes in these films. First off, I'm not biologically male. So, the whole "jack off your best friend and then be awkward" scenario can't happen. I came out to my parents, but there was no maudlin music, just a slight silence and then, to paraphrase, "we don't really give a fuck."

I guess I feel robbed of that stereotypical gay experience. Which sounds stupid, because some of it is horrible. I mean, the whole "get kicked out" thing, and the faggy best friends... I didn't have that, and I won't ever have that. And I guess that's why I want it, because I can't identify with so many gay kids.

But at the same time, I have such a unique experience, all of my own. And I guess it's weird to say this, but someday I want to share that so that other trans kids out there can know that it's not all stereotypical tears and drama, and that there are other ways of doing it out there.

Anyhow, if they ever made a movie about my life it'd probably be pretty uncontroversial, hah.

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