Wednesday, March 14, 2007

oh my god

First off, I got permission to go to Spring State in April. Secondly, the Obscure Object might also be going...

Thirdly-- the Obscure Object knows that I like him. This could be a terrible thing, or a very good thing. He certainly didn't act very differently today in class. But he knows. My good friend had a conversation with him last night. It went something like this --

Friend I know plenty of people who like you.
Obscure Object Like who?
Friend I can think of numerous people off the top of my head.
Obscure Object Like Angy?
Friend I don't know about her...

He so knows. But he was totally normal in class today, which makes me think he's

  • not interested in me
  • waiting for the opportune moment to pounce
  • doesn't give a shit

Well. I think it's the first one, but if I thought otherwise I'd be a conceited git. Anyhow... So, I think that some major "playing hard to get" is in order, to avoid embarrassment. He did pass me a note today in class-- about science, agreed-- but he touched my knee, and Muse was playing at very loud decibels again.

So, playlist for the day is rather varied. Pogues for the morning, Rainy Night in Soho due to the rather weird fog... Strokes for the rather hyper bit around second period, and Mika's Take it Easy for the after glow of the hyperness... and Muse of course for that "moment"--hah.

Playlist Recommendations

Seeqpod Music

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