Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dance party in my head

There is totally a dance party in my head right now, with Elvis Costello playing at really loud and horrible decibels... Isn't it strange when you get random songs stuck in your head?

But Starlight (by Muse) was totally playing at full volume during TOK today, when the Obscure Object not only grabbed my arm, but detained me from cleaning up a load of tea that had spilled on my backpack in order to discuss Chaos theory with me... Either he is a selfish bastard, or he finds conversation with me very scintillating.

So, what was the soundtrack for my day? It included a lot of very strange things-- a fair deal of Rammstein, and some very lovely Lily Allen and other rather strange mixtures. OH, a great deal of Paolo Nutini as well. Very strange day-- very strange music. Small sampling of the magic. xD

Playlist Recommendations

Seeqpod Music

Today was one of my friend's birthday-- his seventeenth. He seemed down, so I asked what the matter was. His good friend was hit by a motorcycle the day before-- he was absolutely devastated-- and his parents made him come to school. That's what the Vienna Teng and slow Shiny Toy Guns songs are for-- acknowledgement that even good days for me, suck for someone else.

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