Friday, June 13, 2008

Well, I've finally graduated. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Mostly, I'm tired. We stayed at Disneyland for Grad Nite until five in the morning, so pretty much my brain feels like a sponge. I missed work because my family neglected to get me up in time to make it, so really... it's been an odd day. I got home around eight. Went to sleep forty-five minutes later, and then woke up at five in the afternoon. I felt like I'd been in some sort of bizarre time warp. And I've spent the last couple hours (three or so) tapping away on my new computer that I got for graduation (thank you Mum and Dad).

Graduation was a pain in the ass. I got a burn on one side of my face, and I had to sit through four hundred and ninety nine of my peers receiving their diplomas. And of course, I lost my voice halfway through, which was pleasant for Disneyland. I got a sunflower from the school, which was sweet, if a bit late. Even now, I'm still sort of regretting have done two years of IB when I could have done middle college or something. High school was miserable, and not just because I was in the process of coming out and what not. It's just been a disaster.

I guess I've met some amazing people though, and I wouldn't have been so lucky if I hadn't finished all four years of high school and I'd gotten my GED last year or something.

On another note, there is this girl that I've had a big crush on for a long time. And really, I don't consider myself realistically bi because I rarely get crushes on girls, and they are rarely, if ever, physical crushes. I can emotionally connect with masculine women, and fall in love with them, but the physical stuff comes later. Anyhow, this girl, we'll call her Wonderella, is pretty much the pretty asian babe I've always wanted. She's not girly in the slightest, she's not too butch, she dresses well, she likes piercings (which I have more of now, I got an industrial for my birthday) she's sporty... the list goes on and on. Anyhow, I feel weird about liking her so much, especially since I primarily identify as a gay male. And she knows all about the trans stuff, and even knows I like her, but it's just an issue of getting the balls to ask her out.

She was on the bus with us down to Disneyland, and I basically stared at her the entire time. Which, I fully acknowledge, is a little creepy. Anyhow... it was weird. I just really like her and I don't know what to do about it.

So, I'm an adult. I'm graduated. I'm single. I'm desperately in need of some more masculine glasses and shoes so I can start actually passing as a male. Ridiculous!

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