Friday, March 7, 2008

Rufus! Rufus!

I got to see Rufus Wainwright last night, and pretty much all I have to say is that he is a GENIUS. As soon as he opened his mouth and started singing I started sobbing like a baby, just absolutely emotionally wasted because his voice just moves me to a place that I can't even begin to describe. He's like the most influential musician in my life… ever. I mean, seriously. He has amazing style, amazing lyrics, and his music is so lush and orchestral. He was performing solo, so it was even more amazing to see him play some stuff that I didn't think could be adapted for the piano or guitar. He makes me want to be a gay guy so I can have an excuse to wear tailored suits like he does. His boyfriend was there, and he made a really cute dedication to him. Of course, he made the obligatory jokes about California (which is fine, really) and I laughed a lot. The show was just… phoar. And of course, he was kind enough to do an enchore and he played my favourite song, Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk which was (is) my anthem. I'm serious, that song is so relatable to me. I just get it. It makes me life make so much more sense. I went out and bought chocolate milk this afternoon and sat around smoking and I felt like so cool, (which is incredibly lame) but I totally get what he means. Anyhow, he's amazing. See him live if you can. I just can't gush enough about how fucking brilliant his new album is, and of course Poses is his other best album.

Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk

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