If people try to push you down, don't conform to their bullshit. Stand up to it, with courage. Make 'em threaten you with death before you even consider backing down. Be how you want to be. Fuck'em.
I think that's one of the most important quotes I've heard in a long time. It says so much about him, but more importantly it gives a great message. That's right John. FUCK 'EM.
Definitely an important message. ;)
If you liked Break Through, you should go to my deviantart site and read some of my others -- Break Through was more me talking to myself, and not really my best so far.
Go here: www.laceteddi.deviantart.com
Tell me what you think after you read those. :)
If you want, you can email me: laceteddi@gmail.com
...yeah, and in case you didn't notice, that's a lot of "laceteddi" -- my first name is Lace, my middle name is Teddi. I was named after lingerie. Ironically, I work at Victoria's Secret. ;)
Check out my site, email me with your thoughts. :)
If you have a myspace, add me!!
(Nightie's a nick name I picked up from an ex... funny funny. I love my name.)
Awesome! I'll contact you in the next few days.
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